Health Tips:
Seven tips for the prevention of cancer
Stop smoking:
Stop smoking cigarette. Any kind of smoking heightens the risk of cancer-especially those in lunge, gall-bladder and cervix. Likewise, chewing tobacco-like “gul”, “jarda”, “khoini” etc. cause oral, particularly throat cancer. You can substantially get rid of it by discontinuing all those poisons. Stopping tobacco habit is not a quite big deal. Your strong mental will may prove highly effective in this matter. If necessary, you may consult your physician.
Consumption of Health Food:
you can buy best foods and expensive ones from market. But are all those foods healthy? If you are conscious about taking healthy food, you are likely to get rid of cancer, as well as many more disease. Plentiful fresh fruits and vegetable will help you prevent cancer. Try to take less oily foods, particularly those cooked in animal fat like beef, mutton. Though rich in calorie but these foods cause obesity and enhances the risk of heart diseases and compounded with other factors contributes to the spread of cancer. If you are habituated in drinking alcoholic beverage, try to reduce consumption, because drinking alcohol tend to cause cancer in intestines, kidney, liver and lung.
Take care of Body weight:
try to maintain the age, height and weight balance under control. Try to eat less and walk more to keep precious bodyweight balance. You should practice at least daily 30 minutes’ physical exercise. Over weight cause in breast, kidney, prostate glands and lungs.
Keep away from sun ray:
try to be under shade at high noon, preferably form 10.00 am till 4.00pm. Try to cover your skin with sun block screen over and over again, because during this time the sun shines hard. If you are to go out, try to wear sunglass and use umbrella. Try to avoid sun bath.
Take prevention vaccine:
Some cancer types are defined sexually transmitted. Some preventive vaccinations will protect you from acquiring communicable cancers. Suppose, Hepatitis-B vaccine prevents liver cancer. Those already under threat of the sexually transmitted disease urgently need this vaccine. Human Pap-lima virus vaccine, now available in Bangladesh, can substantially prevent cervical cancer.
Avoid risky behavior:
Some cancers can be thwarted by simply changing behavioral pattern and lifestyle. Safe sex can prevent many malignancies like those in cervix, rectum and mouth. People habituated in polygamy require condom and vaccination. But getting away from these practice may substantially prevent cancer. Many people using injection with same syringe may cause disease like HIV/AIDS. People with drug addiction are likely to be susceptible to this disease.
Take screening action in the very beginning:
This implies to self-examination and consultation with physician for breast, skin, intestine, colon, prostrate or cervix –which are not that difficult to physical examining. Early detection may substantially prevent cancer in these organs.